Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Letter to future self

Dear future self,

My year in Gri11 2.0 was my best year ever at CSNS! Some of the things I have been involved in are hockey, touch, dance NZ made, Kapa Haka, kids for kids and much more.
At the start of the year I thought it was so cool that we had four huge learning spaces. There are also one to one devices.

One part of the year that I really enjoyed was camp. Some activities that we did were  horse riding, rifle shooting, sling shot making, art, challenge course, first aid and freeplay. Another thing we did was go into the glow worm caves. It was so fascinating watching the glow worms light up like light bulbs.

This year I also tried things I never thought I would try. I'm also really proud how my confidence has grown this year.

This year I met my perfect squad #squadgoals. Are you still friends with some of my best friends like Gihara, Ava, Ivy, Holly, Nadia and Anneka. They are always so nice to me.

My year at CSNS was my best year EVER!

From Lara Smith

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Bike safety

On Friday the 4th of November the girls from GRI11 2.0  learnt about Bike safety. Constable McFlinn, a police officer came to the school and taught us some road rules. He taught us about intersections and round abouts. We also learnt how to indicate by sticking out our left arm to go left and our right arm to go right.

In the afternoon we went outside and took what we had learnt and put it into action. We were split ninto 2 groups and took turns at trying the course out. We practiced round abouts ,T intersections and turning.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Calendar Art

This is my 2016 Calendar Art of me from the production. This will be my calendar picture on my 2017 Calendar.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Holiday Haiku

This is my Holiday Haiku about what I did in the school holidays. A Haiku is a Japenese poem. It has three lines and the first and last line is only aloud to have five syllables. The middle line is aloud to have seven syllables. I hope you like it!

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Lara's Finger spelling video

A few weeks ago was sign language week so  my friend and I made a clip of us spelling our names in sign language.I hope you enjoy!

My role in the production

Have you heard of Cinderella and Rockerfella? College Street Normal School has done a awesome production. It is an exciting experience I'm sure you will never forget!

 In the production, I am in a time dance and the ball room scene which are both in act 2. The production is called Cinderella and Rockerfella. It's a bit like Cinderella except instead of Prince Charming there is Rockerfella and he is a rock star. I am so excited to perform at the Regent, especially since it will be my first time.  

The time dance is when Cinderella runs off in a hurry to get back home before the clock strikes 12. The dance is amazing, so I give a big thanks to the teachers that helped us prepare the dance so it is extremely stunning! 

The ballroom scene is actually when Cinderella meets Rockerfella and there's a big dance scene. Everybody on stage does an awesome dance and I am so proud with how it has turned out.

It is an amazing story and production that I am proud to be apart of.
Come see the College Street Normal School production on the 4th and 5th of July! We hope to see you there!

Monday, June 6, 2016

My Favourite thing to do in Gri11 2.0

My favourite thing about learning in Gri11 2.0 is our super cool classroom and being able to work wherever I want. I enjoy working in the Hub which is our 2 main classrooms. Im always excited to learn with my friends so that they can help me when I'm stuck.

I love to choose where I sit because I get to choose who I sit next to instead of sitting next to the same to people everyday and at the same desk. Now I get to choose where I sit in any of the rooms.

One of the best parts about all this is that we have lots of cool furniture in our classroom like white board tables, comfy chairs and heaps of awesome places to learn and sit. Also sometimes we get rewarded like by getting to watch a basket ball game.

We get to do really fun things while we are learning in Gri11 2.0.

Monday, May 23, 2016


It was a cold a stormy day. There was a teenage girl wondering around town. She thought she would be gangster if she she vandalized a building. So eventually on Friday the 13th she found an abandoned building. She pulled the door knob with all her might. Unfortunately it would not open. She found a window and decided to smash the window. She slowly creeped in.

She switch on the lights and creeped threw the isles. She keeped going further and further into the shop until the lights suddenly turned off and she could see nothing except for pitch black. She sprinted towawards the front door but it was locked. All of the electronics in the store turn on and chased the girl. Eventually the teenage girl was cornered. She got a shiver down her spine. She suddenly realised that there was a door behind her and a struggled to open it. She started to panic so she kicked it open and slammed it behind her. 

She sighed a breath of relief. There were no lights in the room but then she remembered that she had a torch in her pocket. She searched the Room but it was completely empty. The something uickly turn around to see an evil Niall cat. She knew what she had to do. She had to defeat the evil Nian cat!!! She found a sword in the corner and did what she had to do.

Very soon after the evil Nian cat was defeated all of the lights turned back on. She was so happy it was all over and then afterwards she went and ran home to her family.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Old school day

On Monday the 10th we had a traditional teaching style day.  Traditional teaching style is when everybody in a class goes old school that means no devices, no laughing, no smiling and no coughing in class. It was like a black and white movie and also a night mare. Traditional teaching style doesn't help at all with my agency and if your wondering what agency is it is like driving my own learning and it does not help in anyway.

After it was all over we did a CSI. A CSI stands for colour, symbol, image. you use a colour, symbol and image to expresses your feeling for the reason of your CSI. This is my CSI the first one is about how I feel about learning in gri11 2.0 and the  second one is  about traditional teaching style.